The Pale Morning Light

It starts simply enough – the accidental hand touch when you are walking beside them. In that instant, your heart takes its own hand and pounds on your chest, just once, and your stomach cowers in fear that the touch might have been a mistake. Nonetheless it has begun. Then comes the moment before the first kiss – the air between the two of you filled with so much anticipation that you can almost see it, or shatter it with a hammer. You breathe in through your mouth and exhale through your nose without fluidity, small puffs of breath because you are shaking on the inside, and on that last breath of air that comes out, your lips touch, just barely. Eyes still open, beckoning, meeting theirs, your lips gently pressing theirs. Suddenly you cannot hear anything but the sound of the rain, pitter pattering on the pavement outside, almost overshadowed by your own heartbeat. Their hand slides into the small of your back, bringing you closer,and you feel the tumultuous beat of your heart could deafen even the strongest spectator. You run your fingers through their hair, following the path behind their ear. You open your mouth wider, pressing harder, and your eyes close themselves, as do theirs. They slide their hand down your thigh and it is all over. That first breath in your ear when the two of you first become one, making you lull your head back in ecstasy. They begin kissing your neck, nibbling your ear lobe, and when it is over, for a few moments you lose the ability to think or see. You see the nothingness. You see what some people may consider “God.” Or you don’t see anything at all. Finally you see them, as they are, no fake covers or masks. You lay in their arms for hours, a smile you cannot control, two puzzle pieces fitting together, and finally you turn over and drift into sleep, still encased in their love.

You finally awake, as the pale morning light seeps through the window, and the smile disappears from your face. It was just a dream.

All the Stupid Things That You Think About When You Are Trying to Sleep.

You know the feeling. You are lying in bed –  its 2 am or some shit, and you cannot, for the life of you, fall asleep. And what is with all that weird shit you think about right before you fall asleep?

Brain: “Remember that stupid thing you said a month ago or whenever? Lets spend the next two hours thinking about it!”

You: “Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Here are some things that pop into MY head before I fall asleep:

Man, lying on my left side is super comfy *5 minutes later* man this is uncomfortable switch it up.

Man, breathing is weird. Like, how do you breathe and not pay attention. (Spend next five minutes paying attention to every breath you take)

What was that sound?

I have to pee… but its cold out there. How badly do I REALLY have to pee?

Man I would totally do bad things to Ryan Gosling

I swear to god I have the best idea for a movie RIGHT NOW.

I’m wasting my life, aren’t I?

Blinking is weird. How often do I blink? (Spend next five minutes paying attention to your blinking)

I have to be up soon. If I fall asleep RIGHT NOW I will get six hours of sleep. Annnnnd go!

I have to pee more now. I should probably pee. Watch out for spiders that clearly want to assassinate you.

Seriously what was that sound?

If I lie perfectly still in the middle of the bed, I bet I will fall asleep. I hear that is the best way. Annnnnnd go!

Why did I say that? God dammit I am an idiot.

Tomorrow I am totally going to be productive.

A giant cockroach the size of a rat is clearly making that noise in the corner. Better not check it out. Hide under blankies.

Why is my closet making noise now? Better ignore it.

That shadow looks like a spider. Time to fall asleep and have nightmares about spiders.

Just shut your brain off! Pew pew pew! I miss Star Fox.

The end.

The Dream

The light flickers to the left. I don’t look.

I’m sitting on a balcony, on the edge of the world. And the concrete is shifting. I’ve always known, but I want to hear that I have to.

(the light flickers to the left)

Sometimes when I close my eyes, there is a flash, like a lighthouse. In my mind the world is falling – and the birds are flying again.

(the light flickers to the left)

My eyes are flirting with the ground. It’s as close as it is far. And I’m taped to two things: something and somebody.

(the light flickers to the left)

I look. And that’s how the world ends.

But the leaves will lives to blow another day, as the light flickers to the left, like it always does.

(In My) Sleep

Someone was tapping my head, a vague ghost of a man. There is a lightening storm going on behind my eyes. There is no way to get comfortable because this isn’t home. Have to drink a gallon to sleep a minute. My arm falls asleep while I stare at the ceiling. You all know what I mean. Something moves in the corner. Ignore that.

Forget about it forget about it forget about it forget about it.

Couldn’t eat the guitar pick because if they kick her they’ll kick me too. The next fire will surely open their eyes. They want 10,000 essays from the desk of self, of everything I’ve ever felt. But in the back of my mind they’re all wearing pajamas.